1 Who R we?

The R Computing Lab is directed by Prof. Mason Garrison. Our lab houses scientists who conduct biometrically-informed research in R. Our research addresses a mixture of substantive and methodological questions. We’re part of the MegaLab with Prof. Veronica Cole!

Our substantive work focuses understanding the relationships between socioeconomic status, health & well-being, and individual differences (personality, intelligence). Our methodological work focuses on developing and improving biometrically-informed designs, such as behavior genetic and discordant kin models. Much of the research in my lab is student-driven, so the specific content questions will meander within that broad topic. :)

Students in the laboratory work on projects covering a wide range of topics, including inter-generational consequences of divorce, vaccination willingness, R package development.

My goal is to foster an inclusive, equitable, welcoming, and accessible lab environment, where EVERY member of the lab can thrive. I am convinced that supportive labs produce better science and scientists. I want you to feel welcomed, supported, valued, and respected. I want you to thrive.

Members are listed by seniority (in the order they joined the lab).

1.1 Investigators

1.1.1 Principal Investigator

  • S. Mason Garrison

1.1.2 Affiliated Principal Investigator

  • Veronica Cole

1.2 Current Students

1.2.1 Graduate Students Primary Lab

  • Yoo Ri Hwang
  • Xuanyu Lyu Affiliated (Primary Lab)

  • Jonathan Trattner (Kishida)
  • Emma Sims (Jayawickreme)

1.2.2 Undergraduate Students

  • Hannah Robertson
  • Rachel Good
  • Morgan Milhollen
  • Laura McKinzie
  • Sarah Thompson
  • Emma Webster
  • Mary King

1.2.3 Sidekicks

  • Tukey
  • Archie & Annie

1.3 Prior Members Graduate Students Affiliated (Primary Lab)
  • Lindley Slipetz (Cole)

1.3.1 Undergraduate Students

  • Nora Clancy
  • Sherry Mao
  • Kennon Later
  • Jonathan Trattner