10 Graduate Students

10.1 General Timeline

The timeline below is intended to help you structure your time during the WFU graduate program – to stay on track with: - non-coursework program requirements, - professional development opportunities (conferences), and - PhD applications, if you plan to apply.

It likely not comprehensive for your unique situation, and it is expected that you will personalize it. This timeline was originally written by The AMAZING Shannon Brady. I’ve tweaked it and added to it. But she really deserves credit for it.

10.1.1 Year 1


  • Match with Advisor
  • Consider Submitting to SSSP


  • Acclimate! Get lab key
  • Discuss interests and goals with advisor; personalize timeline


  • Read relevant literature
  • Review Grad Handbook sections for Year 1
  • Begin to develop First Year Project (FYP)
  • Consider attending SSSP


  • Read relevant literature
  • Present FYP to peers; get feedback


  • Read relevant literature
  • Refine plan for FYP
  • If needed: Secure IRB approval for FYP
    • (In my lab needing IRB approval is rare)


  • Begin data collection OR begin data cleaning/analysis


  • Collect data and/or clean and analyze data


  • Collect data and/or clean and analyze data
  • Discuss initial ideas for MAP w/ advisor
  • Find template for FYP poster;
    • discuss w/ advisor
  • Consider submitting FYP to BGA


  • Create and revise FYP poster
  • Present FYP Poster


  • Review Grad Handbook sections for Year 2
  • Discuss initial ideas for MAP w/ advisor
  • Generate initial list of PhD topics/advisors;
    • discuss w/ mentors
  • Consider submitting to a conference (like SPSP)


  • Identify articles to be “mentor texts”
  • Draft Methods section of MAP; get feedback
  • Read papers by prospective advisors


  • Draft Results section of MAP; get feedback
  • Read papers by prospective advisors
  • Create/update CV
  • Consider submitting to SPSP

10.1.2 Year 2


  • Review Grad Handbook expectations for MAP
  • Create complete outline of MAP
    • get feedback
  • Submit MAP outline and annotated biblio
  • Refine list of PhD advisors;
    • reach out
  • Write crappy first draft of SOP
  • Consider submitting to SSSP


  • Schedule MAP feedback meeting
  • Send MAP to all committee members
  • Contact letter writers
  • Discuss SOP with mentors/peers/friends


  • Have MAP feedback meeting
    • If needed: revise MAP
  • Review Grad Handbook expectations for thesis
  • Finalize thesis idea
  • Review and revise SOP;
  • draft any other materials needed for applications
  • Send materials to letter writers
  • Consider attending SSSP


  • Draft thesis prospectus; get feedback; revise
  • Schedule thesis prospectus mtg
  • If needed, identify new “mentor texts”
  • Get feedback on other materials; finalize
  • Submit applications (if due this early)


  • Have thesis prospectus mtg
  • If needed: Secure IRB approval for thesis
  • Draft/refine thesis timeline
  • Submit applications


  • File intent to graduate
  • At latest: Begin data collection OR begin data cleaning/analysis
  • Find, contact, and confirm outside member for thesis committee
  • Maybe: interview(s)


  • Collect data and/or clean and analyze data


  • If needed: revise thesis timeline
  • Collect data and/or clean and analyze data
  • Schedule thesis defense
  • Revise prospectus into thesis draft
  • Submit format thesis to Grad Office
  • Maybe: interview(s)


  • Write, write, write!
  • Get feedback and revise
  • Defend thesis
  • Submit thesis
  • Complete graduation logistics
  • Hopefully: Choose PhD program; inform all programs of decision


  • Graduate!
  • Organize and annotate all research files
  • Make sure advisor has copy of all research files (materials, data, code, notes, etc.)


  • Write/revise projects for publication


  • Write/revise projects for publication; submit