17 Remote Access

17.1 Steps

  1. You will need to be sure you have the WFU VPN Client software (Cisco Anyconnect Mobility) installed - if you don’t already have it, you can install it from software.wfu.edu (and probably this specific link: https://software.wfu.edu/download/wfu-vpn/).

  2. You will also need to have the Microsoft Remote Desktop software installed. You should already have this as part of MS Office. If on a Mac, you won’t have it probably, but can get it free through the app store.

  3. You will sign into VPN (using the client software mentioned above).

  4. To sign in, you should enter your ID and password. For example, if your email address is ” ” and your password is “11111111” you should key in “Gravity21” and “11111111”

  5. Once connected through VPN, you need to open the Microsoft Remote Desktop software and key in the IP address that you already received.

17.2 Troubleshooting

In case Cisco Anyconnect isn’t working, try these resources.