22 Career Resources

22.1 Motivation

I had a tough time finding examples of job materials for quantitatively-inclined candidates. Here are representative examples from my own materials. Hopefully, they’ll be able to help inspire your own materials. In addition, I’ve added some of the other resources and information that I found helpful. Although this collection has focused on academic jobs, I also considered industry jobs in my search.

22.2 Academic Jobs

22.2.1 General Advice

22.2.2 Materials Research Statements Example Materials

22.2.4 Negotiating

22.3 Industry

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22.4 Finding Jobs

22.4.2 Industry

Most data-savvy companies have a careers page. I’ve included some of those pages here of companies I applied to, were recruited by, or would be interested in working for. There are also job boards, which companies post positions on. There’s some overlap, but not 100%.

22.5 Random Wisdom