15 Software

This wikipage contains the collective lab knowledge about software and coding. Sections are kind of organized logically.

15.1 R & Rstudio

There are tons more stuff about R in my Data Science for Psychologists class.

15.1.1 Base R

15.1.2 R studio

15.1.3 R Code

This subsection contains R code that I have googled more than once. How do I export a dataframe?

Description: export a dataframe to specific data type?

Source: Quick-R

  • dat

write.table(mydata, “mydata.dat”, sep=“)

  • csv

write.csv(mydata,“mydata.csv”, row.names = FALSE) How do I merge a list of dataframes?

Description: Merges list of dataframes into a single dataframe

Source: stackoverflow

bind_rows(list_of_dataframes, .id = “column_label”)

Note: .id = “column_label” adds the unique row names based on the list element names How do I produce all combinations of list elements?

Description: produce all combinations of list elements

Source: rdrr.io


expand.grid(height = seq(60, 80, 5), 
            weight = seq(100, 300, 50), 
            type = c("Cat","Dog"))
#>    height weight type
#> 1      60    100  Cat
#> 2      65    100  Cat
#> 3      70    100  Cat
#> 4      75    100  Cat
#> 5      80    100  Cat
#> 6      60    150  Cat
#> 7      65    150  Cat
#> 8      70    150  Cat
#> 9      75    150  Cat
#> 10     80    150  Cat
#> 11     60    200  Cat
#> 12     65    200  Cat
#> 13     70    200  Cat
#> 14     75    200  Cat
#> 15     80    200  Cat
#> 16     60    250  Cat
#> 17     65    250  Cat
#> 18     70    250  Cat
#> 19     75    250  Cat
#> 20     80    250  Cat
#> 21     60    300  Cat
#> 22     65    300  Cat
#> 23     70    300  Cat
#> 24     75    300  Cat
#> 25     80    300  Cat
#> 26     60    100  Dog
#> 27     65    100  Dog
#> 28     70    100  Dog
#> 29     75    100  Dog
#> 30     80    100  Dog
#> 31     60    150  Dog
#> 32     65    150  Dog
#> 33     70    150  Dog
#> 34     75    150  Dog
#> 35     80    150  Dog
#> 36     60    200  Dog
#> 37     65    200  Dog
#> 38     70    200  Dog
#> 39     75    200  Dog
#> 40     80    200  Dog
#> 41     60    250  Dog
#> 42     65    250  Dog
#> 43     70    250  Dog
#> 44     75    250  Dog
#> 45     80    250  Dog
#> 46     60    300  Dog
#> 47     65    300  Dog
#> 48     70    300  Dog
#> 49     75    300  Dog
#> 50     80    300  Dog How to remove scientific notation?

Description: Stop R from printing tiny decimals as strings

Source: stackoverflow

options(scipen = 999)