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identifyComponentModel Determine if a variance components model is identified


identifyComponentModel(..., verbose = TRUE)



Comma-separated relatedness component matrices representing the variance components of the model.


logical. If FALSE, suppresses messages about identification; TRUE by default.


A list of length 2 containing:

  • identified: TRUE if the model is identified, FALSE otherwise.

  • nidp: A vector of non-identified parameters, specifying the names of components that are not simultaneously identified.


This function checks the identification status of a given variance components model by examining the rank of the concatenated matrices of the components. If any components are not identified, their names are returned in the output.


identifyComponentModel(A = list(matrix(1, 2, 2)), C = list(matrix(1, 2, 2)), E = diag(1, 2))
#> Component model is not identified.
#> Non-identified parameters are  A, C 
#> $identified
#> [1] FALSE
#> $nidp
#> [1] "A" "C"