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A dataset simulated to have an age-related hazard. There are two extended families that are sampled from the same population.




A data frame with 43 rows and 14 variables


The variables are as follows:

  • FamID: ID of the extended family

  • ID: Person identification variable

  • sex: Sex of the ID: 1 is female; 0 is male

  • dadID: ID of the father

  • momID: ID of the mother

  • affected: logical. Whether the person is affected or not

  • DA1: Binary variable signifying the meaninglessness of life

  • DA2: Binary variable signifying the fundamental unknowability of existence

  • birthYr: Birth year for person

  • onsetYr: Year of onset for person

  • deathYr: Death year for person

  • available: logical. Whether

  • Gen: Generation of the person

  • proband: logical. Whether the person is a proband or not